Expand your business by opening corporate account in Serbia

Opening a business bank account
Opening a bank account First, you should choose the bank that best suits your needs. Things to keep in mind when choosing a bank are:

Tariff list (amount of commission for payment);
Location (distance from work, because whether you like it or not, there will be more cases when you will go to the branch of the bank where you opened the account);
Electronic banking (with almost all banks it is cheaper to pay via electronic banking; with some banks it is free, and in some banks an annual membership fee is paid, there are several systems for electronic banking, some are suitable only for those who have a permanent connection to the Internet, while others allow and local work);
Loans (it is often easier to take a loan as a company than as an individual; as a rule, banks give priority, when assessing creditworthiness, to regular customers, so it is not bad to build a good reputation with the bank from which we intend to take a loan);
Payment cards (there are debit and credit payment cards for companies as well; debit payment cards are linked directly to the bank account and are suitable for paying representation, fuel and similar purchases that can be justified as a company expense).

Here you can see the list of banks operating in Serbia.

After you have decided on a bank, in order to open a business account, you need to go to the showroom with the following documentation and items:

Photocopy of the decision on registration in the register of business entities (the original must be brought for inspection) - you received this document previously from the APR;
Photocopy of the decision on the tax identification number (original for inspection) - you also received this document from the APR;
Form OP - Certified signatures of persons authorized for representation (IMPORTANT: Bring this document only if you gave authorization to a procurator during company registration!);
Photocopy of the identity card of the founder of the business;
Seal of firm.

Upon arrival at the bank, contact the clerk at the first free counter and ask to open a business account for your company. The bank clerk will then ask you to fill out the following forms:

Application for opening an account (bank form);
Agreement on opening and maintaining an account in two copies (bank form);
Card of deposited signatures in triplicate (bank form).
After filling out these forms, your application for a business account is complete.

Or you can contact us!
We will complete all necessary bank forms for your company in Serbia or abroad.

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